Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention

Rather than representing a new age of apathy to human suffering, international inaction in Syria instead should be viewed as the result of years of misuse, mistakes and misjudgments in intervention.

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Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

Book Review: Signs Preceding the End of the World

Above all, she is presented as a messenger, constantly reaffirming her desire to return home—introducing the possibility that not all migration in North America has the same motivations or stakes as hegemonic narratives would have us believe.

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Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

Remembering Mass Violence

The millions of people who counted as the enemy were subjected to unbelievable cruelty and violence because they were treated as if they were not human. Where the enemy is not even human, violence against them is allowed and, more importantly, just.

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Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

Uganda: The People v. The Government

As it appears, international justice mechanisms so far have failed to charge or even investigate crimes committed by sitting members of governments.

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