Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

Save Sheikh Jarrah: Forced Expulsions of Palestinians in Occupied East Jerusalem

But why are Palestinian families who have lived in their houses for decades facing eviction to make way for Israeli settlers? And how is the situation in Sheikh Jarrah, which has triggered recent escalations, related to the general policies of Apartheid Israel? 

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Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

It's the fact that...

It’s the fact that I sometimes wonder if I could ever be free. Am I free? Is any woman ever, really free?

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Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

Ending the Logic of Violence in Massacres

The problem is not that massacres are unavoidable – it is that, for too long, nations that claim to stand for human rights and the responsibility to protect have consistently put economic, military, or geopolitical priorities before ending mass violence.

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Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

SOAS university director under attack for using the ‘N-Word’

Of course, Habib can’t exactly be accused of ‘ignorance’; after all, how can an educated Professor, Director of one of the most prestigious Universities with one of the most diverse campuses, be unaware of the word’s history and weight?

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Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice

The Myth of the “Eco-Terrorist”  

How is it that these so-called ‘terrorists’ came to be thought of as one of the most serious domestic threats in the US, given that to this day these groups have never killed anyone?

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